Volumen 1 Número 1 - 2
Noviembre 1993

Artículos Originales

Titulo : Linfoma de Hodgkin


Mixed cellularity was predominent as the histologic type on 67% of the cases.


Twenty-one of these cases (20%) did not receive treatment one case was excluded due to double malignant pathology (leukemia-Linphoma), seventy eight percent was treat with COPP chemotherapy. Three infants (3.7%) died due to complications.


Forty-seven patients (5%) are last to following treatment. Seven patIents (8.8%) relapsed and were rescued thru AVBD therapy. Twenty seven percent are free from the disease (between 29 and I-J4 months).


After evaluating cost, effectiveness secondary effects on the AVBD, its usage is being considered for stages III and IV, and chimio - radiotherapy for stages I and II.


One hundred and one patients, ages one tru eighteen years old diagnosed with the Hodking`s desease, were studied at the National Institute of Càncer (Instituto de Lucha Contra el Càncer) in Guayaquil. Ecuador i a period of ten years.

Mixed cellularity was predominent as the histologic type on 67% of the cases.

Twenty-one of these cases (20%) did not receive treatement one case was excluded due to double malignat pathology (leukemia-Linphoma), seventy eight percent was treat with OPP chemotherapy. Three infants (3.7%) died due to  complications.

Forty-seven patients (5%) are lost to following treatment.

Seven patients (8,8%) relapsed and were rescued tru AVBD therapy. Twenty seven percent are free from the disease (between 29 and 144 months).

After evaluating cost, effectivesess secundary effects on the AVBD, its usage is being considered for stages III and IV, and chimio- radiotherapy for stages I and II.

Autor(es) : Dr. Guillermo Paulson, Dr. José Encalada Orellana , Dra. C. Barbery,

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